Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just a Regular Update!

I just wanted to update on what has been happening and all that I have been thinking lately.
I decided that I want to become a Naturopathic Doctor. however, I will not do it at this time. For the simple fact that they are not very popular right now. In the last 10 years they have grown in popularity. So, I figure in 20 years, I will go back to school, and become a doctor. I realize that because they are not very popular, it would be very hard to run a business when I am not one for advertisement and selling myself. I am not a good sales person.
Other things that I have been up to....
Studying magnesium and its affects on the body. It really is important to make sure you are getting enough. It helps with preventing depression, anxiety, infertility, osteoporosis, the absorption of other nutrients, and so on. The absorption of B6 is just one of the many things this mineral does for our bodies. It is also higher in organic foods compared to nonorganic foods. The majority of it is found in the bones. Hence why when one is lacking it, they are prone to osteoporosis.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I meant to comment on your first post about this, but I got distracted and then forgot! Sorry!
Sounds like you've really thought this through. I think it's true that people are becoming more and more interested.
Hope you guys are doing well! When will you be in Washington next??