Thursday, June 2, 2011

Almost One Year Mark

Last summer when I started seeing my naturopath to reverse my PCOS, I had this strange feeling that it was going to take that entire year to make things work. (Remember I said that it would take anywhere from 2 months to a year.) As the year mark approaches in the next two months, (beginning of August) I can certainly say that it will probably be that year that I had a funny feeling about. I think it is part of "your children will teach you patience" that is stated in my patriarchal blessing. Although, I do admit, I have not stuck to the diet and exercise like I was supposed to throughout the whole year. I mean, I still went out to eat, sometimes more than I ever should have allowed, I still ate sugar every once in a while, and there were times, I forgot to take my herbs.
However, I still have faith this is going to work to regulate my system. Some people (including my husband) seem to have some doubts. Well, if I am wrong, I did make my body healthier, lesss stressed, I lost weight, my facial hair reduced and my acne also reduced. (Which is more than any of the other doctors were able to do.) So, given those signs, I seriously believe this will work, but it will take the whole year. I also think it is a trial of my faith.


Lia said...

way to be strong! I wish I was as strong as you are, you have done great!

Scottie and Angie said...

Ronnie!!! My heart goes out to you and I am so sorry you have had to go through this. Having gone this losing a child and not being able to get pregnant again I can relate better to how you must be feeling and all I can say is that I am so sorry. It is no fair and I will keep you in my prayers. I love you lots and pray you can stay strong. Call if you ever need to chat!