Sunday, May 29, 2011

Organic Update

I have been organic for almost three days now. I have noticed slight changes in my eating. I used to crave carbs, which lessened when I cut out sugar but didn't go away, but I seriously have not had cravings for anything all day. I also am eating less and feeling full at the end of my meals. I wonder if this will continue? It would make sense for it to continue because of the excess hormones they put in non-organic foods make the animals eat more and crave more. So, I am not taking those into my body therefore I should not have the cravings. Right?

Eating organic has made it so much easier to cut out the sugar too. I am not tempted to eat sweets. You might think this is because organic junk food is not available. Well, you're right it isn't but I simply don't have the urge to eat those things at all.
Organic food does cost more but I find that if I am not eating as much doesn't it even out?

I also have lost 1/2 an inch and about 1 pound.

1 comment:

Lia said...

Hmmm, maybe I should go organic!