Friday, August 28, 2009

Our Growing Family

Well, I am happy to report that our family is finally starting to grow.
We got a dog from a family in our ward that had to get rid of her because their son is allergic. She is a very sweet 2 two year old. She seems like she is missing her old home though because she started to whine a little. The other family has 4 children and since we have none, she seems to just lay there and do nothing.
Her name is Sally.


Monica Bingham said...

Exciting! Chris and I started with two dogs before we had a turns out to be a good way to get used to throwing out the routine and giving your patience a good test....although we started with puppies with both our dogs so we had to potty train and all that :P. And at least you know that the dog will be used to babies once you get one of those too ;)

Scottie and Angie said...

Wow exciting. I love dogs!!! One day I will hopefully get one. Sally is so cute, congrats