Monday, January 12, 2009

It's warm!!

Well it warmed up today. Most of the ice on the inside of our windows in our house melted. It was -3 last I checked. It was so nice to go outside and not have your nose hairs freeze almost instantly.
I finally got my visiting teaching route this morning.
I also have a calling now. I teach the Valian 10 class. There are 10 students! I have not had my first lesson yet, (do to bad weather for church)So I have not taught yet.
Up here they do not cancel for snow, they cancel for temperature. When it is -30 there is just Sacrament meeting and when it is -40 or colder Sacrament is served and we go home. They do this because there is not enough plug ins in the parking lot for all the cars. So, this means everyone has to leave there cars running. That can run up the gas bill.
I saw a sign a few days ago that said something like, "Rent a stall to thaw your car." I will try to remember to get a picture of it. It was pretty funny but it is truly needed up here for those that don't have a heated garage at home.

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