Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It is currenlty -40. It was -35 yesterday and supposed to be getting colder.
I got these really warm Pajamas for Christmas. Aren't they cool. I haven't seen PJs with feet slippers in years!

This is our front door. There is ice on every single one of our windows. Yes, we have the heat on and it is comfortably warm in our house.


Wendy said...

Hey! Nope, haven't had him yet.
I like your pj's! Funness! Hope you guys can stay warm...
-40...yikes...and I thought it was getting cold here. It's actually warmed up quite a bit.
Hope you guys enjoy the NEW YEAR! Take care...

Anonymous said...

The ice in the windows is crazy!! And here I was complaining when it was 27 degrees here!

I like your pajamas! How are you guys enjoying Alaska?