Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Garden

This is our second garden while living in Alaska. However, it is our first at our house, even though it is not OUR house. I can't wait to find a house of our own.

By the way, I don't think I ever posted about that. We did find a house. We both loved it. It was in our price range, perfect in everyway that we could see. We prayed about it and the answer was no. We didn't understand why until a few days ago. The foundation has issues that just now started showing up. If we had moved in we would have been living there for about a month then we would have had major issues on our hands. So, we are thankful for answered prayers, even if we don't understand them at the time. We are still looking, but haven't found anything that we both like and is in our price range.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Almost One Year Mark

Last summer when I started seeing my naturopath to reverse my PCOS, I had this strange feeling that it was going to take that entire year to make things work. (Remember I said that it would take anywhere from 2 months to a year.) As the year mark approaches in the next two months, (beginning of August) I can certainly say that it will probably be that year that I had a funny feeling about. I think it is part of "your children will teach you patience" that is stated in my patriarchal blessing. Although, I do admit, I have not stuck to the diet and exercise like I was supposed to throughout the whole year. I mean, I still went out to eat, sometimes more than I ever should have allowed, I still ate sugar every once in a while, and there were times, I forgot to take my herbs.
However, I still have faith this is going to work to regulate my system. Some people (including my husband) seem to have some doubts. Well, if I am wrong, I did make my body healthier, lesss stressed, I lost weight, my facial hair reduced and my acne also reduced. (Which is more than any of the other doctors were able to do.) So, given those signs, I seriously believe this will work, but it will take the whole year. I also think it is a trial of my faith.