Saturday, April 11, 2009

My boring life

I don't currently have any new pictures.Our snow is ever so slowly melting. I slipped on the ice and hurt my wrist. I am visiting family.My sister-in-law, my future sister-in-law and I cleaned my in laws house today.That was a big chore.
School is coming to an end in Alaska which means I will have more free time but I will also have this syndrome called lack of moola! I am looking for a full time job since we do not have any children YET!? Where are they and why won't they come. They have this thing about teaching their mother patience!I guess?
James and I joke about our seeds in our garden being our babies and if that is the case we have 8 tomatoes and 8 bell peppers. (Started in the house of course).
Well, I just thought I would update since it has been a while. Talk to ya later.


Wendy said...

Hey! I promise I'm not ignoring has been CRAZY lately! First it was finals, then family coming, then graduation, then Easter and Em's Birthday, and then we had to move right after and I'm finally almost unpacked and settled in! Ahhhh! So sorry. How are you guys doing? Sorry I'll miss you when we go to Washington. How's Alaska? Take care okay?

Scottie and Angie said...

Ronnie oh how I miss you!!!
It was good to get an update on your blog. Sorry life sometimes is boring, but at least you are way exciting. I love you and pray for you all the time especially about the baby thing.
I loved the part about the seeds being your babies LOL.
Hope you know someone in Columbus Ohio is thinking of you,