Monday, August 15, 2011

Something to Contemplate?

Well, as you all know... I have been seeing a naturopathic doctor for a year now. This month marks the one year mark. I know I wrote that it would take a year. However, I know it is working, but it will take longer. (my cycles have returned somewhat.) My naturopathic doctor (ND) never gave me an exact time frame, just that it would take a while (Years). The internet is what said it would take a year.
Through all this I have learned tons and tons and even more tons about the human body that I would love to share with others. For this purpose, it has been crossing my mind to become a naturopathic doctor. I think I would enjoy this very much. However, there are things about it I don't think I would like so much.

I can help people who have problems like I had.
I can still teach. (It will be different types of students.)
I have always been fascinated with nutrition and and biology.

Chemistry scares me! I have never actually taken a chemistry class.
There is at least 5 years of school ahead of me.
I would have to at least temporarily move back to Washington as there isn't a university here that has ND degree provided. Or find a distance degree program which I am not sure it exists up here.

I have prayed about it. I have not yet received an answer.
To give you a little more information on what a Naturopathic doctor stands for, here are 6 principles that I found on a ND univeristy website...
1. The healing power of nature- Trust in the body's inherent wisdom to heal itself.
2. Identify and treat the causes- Look beyond the symptom to the underlying cause.
3. First do no harm- Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.
4. Doctor as a teacher- Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health.
5. Treat the whole person- View the body as an integrated whole in all its typical and spiritual dimensions.
6. Prevention- Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.

Do you think I should become a Naturopathic Doctor? What do you personally think of them?

The things I have learned over the year...
what are some things that cause miscarriage.
What are some things that cause heavy painful periods.
What happens to our food.
Why we should eat organic.
What cholesterol does for us.
Signs of ovulation and a whole bunch of other female bodily functions.
Detox- in my mind it is a wonder drug. It isn't really but it feels like it the way I see it.
What causes PCOS. (Well this is tricky because it isn't just one thing. It is a mixture of a whole bunch of things. I am sure my list will grow.)
The importance of castor oil packs.
The liver and all it does for the body.

Knowing what I know now, I will think long and hard about going to a MD again. I will probably not go back to a gynecologist since she is the one that told me PCOS can't be reversed or at least not that one. That is one thing that I have learned the most about. The body really does have an amazing healing power to heal itself.
I have suffered from this for 10 years. I have been on all different types of drugs for it... clomid, letrozol, another butt injection I can't remember the name of, metformin and birth control...
After 1 year of naturopathic medicine, it is almost gone.
Through this, I have also learned patience. Great things take time. My children are teaching me patience and they aren't even here on Earth. Faith in the Lord includes faith in his timing.
Just so you know, I used to be very skeptical on this whole go natural thing. I prayed about going to this doctor, and the answer was yes. My skepticism continued until about 6 months ago. 3 months ago it crossed my mind to become one. Today, researched what classes I need as pre requisites.


*~Kate~* said...

I think if it's something in your heart, and you feel you should do it, then go for it! I'll be your first client. Lol

Scottie and Angie said...

Loved this post Ronnie!!! You are so sincere with your story and I pray for you all the time. I am impressed how you can rise above this trial and still have faith. As for your decision to be a doctor,if you think you can do it, you should go for it!!! You would be able to be very sypathic and could really change the lives of women in your similar situation!Keep me posted. Also I love all your posts!!! I am glad you had a nice time in Washington. I am getting so excited to go there myself in September!