After my elbow accident, I found myself not living my diet, not exercising, and doing a lot of reading. My elbow is still not 100%. I am thinking it will never be back to its original abilities.
However, I am back on my diet. After school got out, I automatically switched over. Literally over night. This did a number on my system for about 24 hours. I notice a huge difference and I missed being on this. I forgot how nice it was. If I hadn't hurt my elbow, it would have been so much easier.
What I have been up to
- Finished school on May 22.
- went to Anchorage on May 23rd. While there, went to target, J C Penny, the temple, Organic Oasis (restaurant that I can totally eat at and not break my diet. So worth the it!) I went with a Friend and had soooo much fun we are planning another trip for August.
- Babysat for some friends.
- Starting a writing class on Thursday.
Sorry, I am not that entertaining.